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Old Tue May 09, 2006, 02:07pm
orioles35 orioles35 is offline
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Location: Spring Hill, TN
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As you can imagine, the usual stuff...R1, runner stealing on the pitch. Foul ball into the mitt, catcher throws to 2nd, not in time. Defensive coach is calling "foul ball, foul ball..." neither my partner or I are saying anything since the ball is in play and the base was stolen. I don't know if the SS or the 2B told the runner it was foul, or his base coach or if he was just confused, but he wandered off the bag and started to head back to first. One of the kids was on the ball and went to tag the runner out.

I don't know what the exact rule is, but it reads something like "once a runner has legally obtained a base, he cannot retreat to a prior base after the play has ended" (leaving the door open for a runner to retouch DURING a play, if necessary).

I called time and sent the runner back to 2nd. I told the defensive coach:

1) A foul ball directly into the catcher's mitt was still in play
2) He was not to interrupt the game in the manner again and if he had a question about a ruling, please wait until the play has ended, call time and we will discuss it with him.
3) Told him about the rule above and that we would be placing the runner back on 2nd.

Some games when this happens, I don't hear a word. Others, it seems the whole stands gets into it and causes confusion and delay (Thomas the Train reference). I can ignore fans until they have an impact on the game like that.

Last edited by orioles35; Tue May 09, 2006 at 09:03pm.
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