I guess since Mike referenced my post on palming (which was some time ago) I should chime in here. I'm a little late, since I have been busy playing Santa.
The palming I see most often which doesn't have the hand underneath, is when the ball is being pushed sideways, or foreward. If the motion is fast enough, the hand can be at about 11 o'clock, so to speak, and still gain a substantial advantage. The easiest way to judge this is if the ball isn't spinning, but I've seen it happen (although I don't always call it) even with the ball spinning. The crossover dribble is where it's the easiest for the PG to do this without realizing it. The other place it's easy to catch is in the little hesitation on a hard drive. If these are only momentary, I don't usually call them, but if there's any change of direction, it's an easy call. Explaining it isn't so easy.
If you wanted to study this sometime, sit in the stands with a physics teacher, and discuss each little questionable play. It could be quite enlightening.!!