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Old Tue May 09, 2006, 02:13am
WhatWuzThatBlue WhatWuzThatBlue is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 760
Why would I reply to your entire post, when I only wished to address part of it? Are you that narcissistic?

* How do you know that no warnings were issued?
* I've seen benchs clear and the batter and pitcher stare each other down and no one got tossed - and yes, this was when I was in the Minors.
* This kind of dust-up will destroy even the most seasoned of crews. Don't give me any nonsense that a guy with two years of A and is in his fourth week of AA would know how to handle this any better.

This game was an aberation and the league will take issue with the talent, not the officials. While we all agree that the replacements may have handled it better, it is always easier to be a monday morning quarterback. I guess you are the only umpire, in the history of the sport, who called pefect games his entire career. It must be nice being you. Go back to sleep, I am.
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