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Old Mon May 08, 2006, 07:00pm
WhatWuzThatBlue WhatWuzThatBlue is offline
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The biggest issue I have with the replacement umpires is that many feel endebted to the home team. I've witnessed newbie umpires at almost all levels fall for this. They aren't necessarily playing favorites, just letting certain things slide. It is certain that this is occuring in the Minor Leagues now.

But, before we get all high and mighty...we all do this. We have favorite skippers, players, fields and subconsciously justify our calls and behavior.

Since none of us was there, we don't know what was said or not. If warnings were issued or whether the crew was even aware of the bad blood is immaterial. New AMLU crews aren't anymore aware of a potential flareup than the replacements. These guys walked right into one.

Originally Posted by BenedictArnold
I can see why this happened. The one thing no one thinks about unless you have been in the game is that these players have been playing against each other for years. Warnings should have been issued in this game...they weren't. I am sure this is a combination of the strike and bad umpiring. AMLU umpires would have handled this a lot differently. That is what they are trained to do. And I am sure that the farm director knew exactly what to expect when he pulled his team off. A lot of press and to prove a point in that press. If you think they don't want AMLU umpires back you are wrong.
How can you say that it was bad umpiring? Were you at the game? I guess you've never umpired a game that had a bench clearer. I've seen plenty of fights in my days and none of them was my fault.

SOME may want AMLU guys back, but it's not happening. At the Instructional levels they aren't even missed. In another two weeks, the D1 guys will have empty schedules and be ready for anything that comes their way. Stop pretending that amateur umpires are inept. I don't see asterisks by those standings.
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