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Old Mon May 08, 2006, 05:11pm
GarthB GarthB is offline
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Originally Posted by socalblue1

Whenever a mediator approves a deal the union leadership must endorse it to the members & send it to a vote. It's just the way the system works.
Having belonged to the musicians union, a peace officers union, a union for emergency workers (emergency dispatch) and the teachers union, and having been a shop steward twice, I am familiar with the process.

They had to forward it to their membership for a vote. They did not, as the AMLU leadership did, have to issue a release saying how happy they were with the deal and now that they have workable agreement they look forward to getting the members back on the field. They could have, as most unions involve with mediation do, simply said, "This is the result of the recent mediation and we are forwarding to our membership for a vote."
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