Originally Posted by Al
I wonder if he plans to come over to offer an apology, as he told the administrator he would do if I let him coach the game after the ejection? I wonder if I should just let it go if he doesn't and let him coach anyway? Or would it be better for me not to let it go and remind him that without an apology he must leave the field? ...Anyone want to comment? Must do so within a few hours. Thanks, ... Al
I don't carry over behavior issues from one game to the next.
Suspensions after an ejection are a league issue, not an umpiring issue. (I know from earlier comments you were put in this position, but, still...)
With these two principles as a guide, I would ignore the whole thing. Let tonight's game stand on its own. In fact, if the coach does come over to apologize, I might be tempted to say something like, "Thanks, coach. But tonight is a new game; clean slate. Let's just play ball."
PS: If he does NOT apologize, I would still play the game, not bring it up at all, but then report to the league admin that the coach did not apologize. Let them deal with the ramifications, if any.