Originally Posted by mcrowder
There IS a possible situation where this might not be the disaster it's being made out to be.
Were the bases loaded?
If so, BU could be correcting PU's misapplication of the rules, if PU thought there had to be a tag, and the ball was caught while F2 was on the plate.
A stretch... but possible.
Barring this, however, BU was WAY off base. Even if he's UIC - he's MUCH further away for any sort of tag call, and has no right to overrule PU's call.
Of course, we'll never know what actually happened in the OP's sitch. We've seen time and time again on this board that an outraged Rat distorts the facts so much that our initial answers aren't applicable. Heck, we don't even know what code the game was under. Does FED have a rule similar to 9.04 (c)?