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Old Mon May 08, 2006, 09:07am
blueump blueump is offline
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Tag at the Plate...Deja vu!

Man, the replays on the Braves/Mets phantom tag looked just like my play Saturday:

Championship game of a FED tournament. Runner at 3rd comes home on a ground ball to the 3rd baseman. The catcher sets up on the inside of the foul lines, about 5 feet up the line toward 3rd. The 3rd baseman, who is playing in, bobbles the ball, then recovers late to throw home for a play.

The base runner slides as the catcher recieves the ball; the catcher turns late to attempt a swipe tag. The runner's body totally blocks me out of seeing if there was contact with the glove. I also "heard" nothing. I ruled the runner safe, which made the home coach explode. The crowd was screaming, I got no help from my partner when we got together.

Here's my question: Was I set up in the correct position? I usually set up for a play at the plate just up the 3rd base line in foul territory about 4 feet. I don't want to get in the way of a throw from the 3rd base side, and I don't feel I can get as good of a view (on most plays) from the first base side.

I'm sure if there actually was a tag (on this particular play) I would have seen it from the first base side of home plate, or even on the inside of the foul lines, but how can you tell one of these "blocked out" plays is coming? Where do you guys usually set up on a play at the plate?
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