Originally posted by ChuckElias
But within the last two or three weeks, we've had 3 guys (Eli, bpf, and crew) come onto this board and tell all of us wannabees that we all need to start thinking differently if we want to move up.
Chuck, I certainly never called anybody a wannabe and I have the utmost respect for high school officials. I loved reffing high school basketball and actually miss it. I am not trying to big time anybody with the info I post. You certainly have the right to disagree.
These guys have no credibility with anybody on this board, and yet want to help us by getting us to disregard rules or taking advice that is simply bad for most guys. Even when the majority of us are proven right on national TV, all we get is "Did you ever think that maybe he missed the call?"
I feel like you are getting too personal on this forum. Your telling me that everybody on this board thinks I have no credibility. Please speak for yourself. I certainly do not feel my advice is bad for officials. I am not trying to poison the officiating community. You say you are proven right because of one play that Andre Patillo called a foul from lead across the paint that the slot passed on. I still have not seen this play, but you cannot prove an entire case on one play. I could look through the archives of tapes and find several plays where a foul is not called on that type of play. This does not prove anything. Andre is not some GOD whereby all officials must imitate every call he makes. He is human like all of us and subject to mistakes.
But they've got to be confronted when their interpretations are blatently wrong.
My interpretations are blatently wrong to you, but they are my opinions. You have your own interpretations and that's fine.
If they follow the advice of these three guys, they will get nowhere fast.
I believe I have helped several people rise in the officiating ranks, including my roomate Tommy Porep who was hired in the CBA last year and is also a DI official and Tony Horton, a.k.a. crew, who refs DI basketball as well. We three constantly talk basketball and watch tapes and critique each other's games. We are ruthless to each other when we critique as well as that is the way you get better, to be brutally honest with yourself and accept criticism.