Originally Posted by BigUmp56
You need to look at 9.02(c)
9.02(c) If a decision is appealed, the umpire making the decision may ask another umpire for information before making a final decision. No umpire shall criticize, seek to reverse or interfere with another umpire's decision unless asked to do so by the umpire making it.
Think of the $h1t $torm that would arise were the rules to provide for the UIC to step in and make other umpires calls, or worse yet, over turn them because he doesn't agree.
Well, I believe the rules to provide for that, and due to the good sense, politeness, and restraint of the umpires, the storm does not happen (very often).
9.02 (c) appears to relate to the behavior of umpires during an appeal. It gives no remedy if the rule is broken. 9.04 (c) explicitely recognizes that different decisions may be taken by different umpires on the same play, and gives the remedy: UIC (or other designate) wins.
I'm not arguing that any UIC
should ever do this. I'm only arguing that if one did, it would probably hold up under protest.