Originally Posted by nickrego
I'm afraid your reputation does nothing for you on this one. I have enough Mechanical Engineering experience to confidently say, you are DEAD WRONG.
Think about it; A mask has two pads, where the contact points are the Forehead and Jaw, for a properly fitted and worn mask. Now your going to actually state, in public, with a straight face, that the energy from a ball hitting a mask is not going to be transfered to the ONLY two contact points, the Forehead and Jaw ?
Where is it going to be transfered to, your cup ?
Here is the crux of the debate;
Old guys = Mask
Young guys = Helmet
The young guys are going to win this one, because the old guys are going to die before the young guys. I am 47, and I have been wearing a mask since I was 44 (still a young guy).
But keep fighting for your right to wear a mask. Just make sure your argument is valid. I would even accept, "I refuse to try it, think about it, or watch someone wearing one." At least it would be sincere.
The thing you aren't hearing from Tim is that a mask, WORN PROPERLY, will cause the same amount of pain and discomfort when hit as the HSM. None. A mask is designed to be worn loose and, when hit, it's supposed to spin up and off the face.
If you like the HSM, fine, but don't act like it's more dangerous to choose the mask, cause it isn't.
BTW, I wear a HSM.......cause I think the VISION is better -- for no other reason.