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Old Wed May 03, 2006, 11:51pm
Justme Justme is offline
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Posts: 477
Originally Posted by Carl Childress
Double the minimum wage and you'll cut in half the problems you have in the Drive-thru.

You built your business, not by retaining 1% of your employees' wages, but by keeping as much as you could while still being able to hire workers. Your "tax" was, as you know, far more than one percent.

My plan hints of socialism? Let me tell you socialism: medicare, defense, social security, homeland security, roads, levees (except in New Orleans). My plan does not scatter the money over the general populace.

And besides, if socialism is so bad, why is it built into the fabric of society everywhere? Remember Star Trek II: The good of the many outweighs the good of the few or the one.
In the next movie when they returned to search for Spock didn't Capt. Kirk tell Spock that sometimes the good of the one outweighs the good of the many?

Actually I built my business by working many long and hard days and making whatever sacrifices were required. Not by asking people to give me 1% of their earnings. It might have helped but I didn't think about it at the time

The only 'true' examples of socialism, since to the best of my knowledge Star Trek II was a sci-fi movie, are places like the the former USSR and even to some extent Canada. Try getting some elective surgery done in Canada. I have a brother-in-law in the medical profession in Canada and he can tell you horror stories about their system. IMHO giving people things for nothing breeds the continued need for additional handouts (i.e., our welfare system) and increased taxation. I could talk for hours on this subject but this is not the forum.

Unlike MiLB I have always paid my people well. I knew from the very start that even if you produce a great product you are nothing without great people. I hope that the umpires get more money, but not by taxing the players.
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