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Old Wed May 03, 2006, 01:13pm
DIV2ump DIV2ump is offline
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Athlete tax

Originally Posted by Carl Childress
You intimate they wouldn't, and you're probably right. MLB hates umpires. HATES them. But perhaps when the current agreement runs out, that could be one of the issues in negotiation.

Remember, my proposal is for a "tax" on the players' salaries. Alex Rodriguez can afford 1% a year, especially since it would be deductible. Remember, too, the players cannot do without the umpires. It's only right that they share some of the burden of paying them.

The fans would love this idea, and it would be a public relations disaster if the player's union opposed it. "ONE PERCENT," Joe says, while sipping on his Coors Lite. "I'm paying #$3.00 a gallon for gas, and they're griping about one percent?"
Unfortunately cities and states all over the country have been on to this idea for a few years now and have passed "entertainment" taxes that tax pro athletes based on the number of days they spend in a city. This would be just another of these taxes but you're right, Joe Fan doesn't mind sticking the rich athletes with another tax. Tax returns for A-Rod and other pro players can run hundreds of pages because of all the schedules, etc. that have to be filed relating to these taxes all over the place. I've heard that part of the reason Clemens negotiated the deal where he wasn't required to all away games was to avoid some of these taxes.

I don't know that umpires should be making $106,000 when minor league gms and other staff are working for peanuts also.
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