While I still fully support thier efforts to make their situation better, it's looking more like the worst case scenario may be the result. That still may be better for the "game" though. The system will have to be dismantled. Sure, the games will go on with replacements and I truly respect their courage, albeit with selfish motive. I can't fathom that this will be a long term solution. Short A will start soon and the talent pool will get thinner. I agree with WWTB in that there are many real talented replacements. Their problem isn't necessarily ability. It's 3 man instincts and the rigors of a 140 game season. OK, A ball uses 2 man crews but if umps have been working higher levels, it's still going to be a long season.
I agree it seems to be a futile strike if you look at it through selfish eyes. Think about what it's going to do for the system as a whole. Local guys may still get a piece of the pie when PBUC puts this all back together. Only the true elite will get through UDC and then only work the highest levels (AA and AAA, perhaps). That way there aren't 220 guys trying to slip through that narrow door but maybe half that many. PBUC can work them through more quickly. No more stringing 30 somethings along for peanuts following an empty promise. After five years, tag a guy for MLB until a space opens up for him.
Everyone umps for their own reasons. I don't need their games. I have a job, a family and a life. I try not to succeed by the failure of others but on my own merits. For those of you working the games that have friends in the system, I hope your relationships heal. For those of you that didn't work, I hope little Jimmy will still get to go to private school this fall.
Rest assured, I will always have your back.