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Old Tue May 02, 2006, 03:54pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve
I agree completely with Andy. The act of bringing a rulebook or by-laws on the field doesn't show me up. How it is done is the issue.

If a coach comes out to ask you a question, does so in a completely calm and polite manner, discusses and leaves, are you shown up? Now, suppose you discover, as he turns away, that he had a rulebook in his back pocket the whole time; is that an ejection?
The coach has the book turned open to a page that s/he "believes" supports the argument at hand. However, too often the coach hasn't turned the page or isn't aware that the parameters of the play do not apply to the call made, etc. I do not want to put on a clinic researching a rule book in the middle of the field. I will not reference the book no matter what the coach is trying to point out.

If s/he wants to file a protest, give me the scorebook, I've already got a pen.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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