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Old Tue May 02, 2006, 11:42am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: USA
Posts: 14,565
Originally Posted by dsimp8
First of all,you don't bring a rule book and/or by-laws onto my field.
YOUR field? You own the field? If not, it isn't your field or your game. Those belong to the teams, not you or your assn.

The league that we call in (Rec league-adult and youth)states in the by-laws that a coach can bring the by-laws and rule book on the field. This was not in the by-laws that our assoc. looked over for approval. The league director said that we shouldn't have a problem with a coach bringing the rules on the field if we are doing our job correctly. The problem I have with it is you are trying to show me up.
Despite the fact the LD doesn't have a clue, your assumption is not always true.

We ,as an assoc have made the decision to ignore that rule and IF a coach comes on the field with either one of these....he/she is gone.
The only valid decision your assn. has to make is whether you are working that leagues games or not. If you chose to not work the league because of this disagreement, so be it. However, to accept the assignments and attached remuneration for the service provided, you call what the league tells you to call. After all, they're the customer, not you.

What would you do if A)this "rule" was slipped in at the last moment w/o your assoc knowing it and B)if a coach brings the rule book and/or by-laws on the field?
As noted, the assn. has only two choices. Depending on what the assn. decides on the first issue determines if the second is even a discussion.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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