Originally Posted by bigwhistle
Houston is talking with coaches to allow them to use 7 man crews if both coaches agree. This was actually brought up by the coaches. There will be some clinics for 7 man before the season starts so the people involved will have some clues as to what to do.
There will probably be quite a bit of it during the playoffs.
I agree that with the evolution of the passing game in Texas that 7 man crew is the way to go. 6 man is actually worse than 5 man in my opinion because you lose the back judge and leave the middle open. At a clinic last year the TASO reps said that 5 man and below are the only approved mechanics. If you got the numbers in officials and there is an approved mechanic then that's great and I hope that TASO says to go for it. We have a hard enough time fielding 5 man so 7 man is no where in our horizon.