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Old Fri Apr 28, 2006, 04:25pm
BLydic BLydic is offline
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Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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Originally Posted by A Pennsylvania Coach
Geiger wasn't in the brawl. His actions started things, but he was off to the side the whole time. I was at the game.

Your response is classic. He wasn't in the brawl, his actions (just a punch) started things. WOW!

In your original post regarding how much of a JOKE the PIAA is, you stated that a full out brawl took place without an ejection. You were wrong, Geiger was removed from the game, no? His being in front of the opposing teams bench is a key point in how this fiasco started, right? Would your suggestion be to just leave things as they were? No, I got it, we can just rely on the coaches to keep their bench under control?

In our chapter meetings and clinics we have discussed this direction from the PIAA because we feel that, at times, teams can be put at a disadvantage as a result of moving the throw-in spot. We are trying to ensure this is held to a minimum.

But, it was the actions of two opposing players that caused this reaction from the PIAA and in combination with some game time common sense, the problem has been eliminated. Granted, it might not be the best way, but I don't have any other suggestions. Do you?
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