Originally Posted by JFA67
Got the following last year from our state UIC. Good simple guidelines for OBS/INT.
... snip ... To boil it all down:
About to receive has been removed from the rule book except in the NCAA.
No possession of the ball before a collision = obstruction.
Possession of the ball before a collision = nothing (assuming a legal slide and not USC).
A runner altering her path or slowing to avoid a player without possession of the ball = obstruction.
Runners colliding with or hindering a player fielding a batted ball = interference.
Get the fielders out of the way! Or be ready to enforce the rules.
No way am I telling a fielder where to be or not to be.
No possession of the ball before a collision = obstruction. " is not true unless the runner alters his/her approach.
I try to always be ready to enforce the rules.