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Old Wed Apr 26, 2006, 01:36pm
All_Heart All_Heart is offline
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Posts: 518
Originally Posted by rockyroad
The rule DOES mean that a secondary defender can not set up and take a charge under the basket unless the drive is parallel to the baseline (as in going for a reverse lay-in). The rationale has always been that taking up defensive position directly under the basket is a non-basketball play and serves only to lead to injuries - get out of there and play some good defense.

And I'm not sure why you are confused by the "dribbler" part...if the person is dribblling the ball, they are a dribbler. If they are catching a pass and turning to shoot, they aren't dribbling, are they? The rule applies to drives to the basket and secondary defenders stepping in to draw a charge under the basket.
I don't see anywhere that this only applies to secondary defenders. That is the NBA rule.

Also this rule says "directly under", which IMO leaves alot of grey area. This is why the NBA has the restricted area marked with a line.
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