From ASA state UIC
Got the following last year from our state UIC. Good simple guidelines for OBS/INT.
We all might need a reinforcement of the obstruction rule. I have had emails about catcher 's setting up and blocking the base path without the ball many times this season. We as umpires need to be proactive and get that catcher out of the way to avoid an obstruction call on a play at the plate. The whole intent of the rule change was to reduce injuries.
To boil it all down:
About to receive has been removed from the rule book except in the NCAA.
No possession of the ball before a collision = obstruction.
Possession of the ball before a collision = nothing (assuming a legal slide and not USC).
A runner altering her path or slowing to avoid a player without possession of the ball = obstruction.
Runners colliding with or hindering a player fielding a batted ball = interference.
Get the fielders out of the way! Or be ready to enforce the rules.