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Old Tue Apr 25, 2006, 07:08pm
Carbide Keyman Carbide Keyman is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 236
How dare I ....................

Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
When I go to MLB games, I go to watch the umpires for the most part. Instead of watching where the ball is going, I watch the umpire who has the call on the ball. And I see them not getting set for the calls, but running full bore and making their signals and calls on a dead run.

Watching Brian Runge come running up pointing fair and giving the out signal just prompted me to start this thread.

I know the answer to my question now. It is that they are in The Show, and I'm not, so get over it.

I know a lowly varsity and JUCO umpire like myself should not deign to be critical of our professional brethren, but in tonight's Red Sox - Indians game, the plate umpire (Drecker, Brecker whatever) head is constantly moving, looking "around" the catcher at pitches. He also takes off his HSM with both hands.

Now, back to my hovel, for 21 lashes for daring to critique a Big Dog.

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