I understand the points both of you have made. You're right, we still live in a society where this type of bigotry is still prevalent. It's a shame that is has to be that way, but it is.
As far as the Little League umpires issue, it saddens me that so many disparaging comments are directed at Little League umpires on these forums. I understand that there are many, many piss poor LL umpires. In my opinion the sheer volume of games played in the LL organization themselves have to be the number one contributing factor to this problem. However, to indict all umpires who choose to work LL games based on the poor umpires seen at times is unfair. One of my favorite people who post's on this board often opines that Little League umpires suck. I'm certain that he's drawn that conclusion based on his personal exposure to them. In our area that's just not the case. I hope there will come a point in time that he can see some of us who are dedicated officials in the Little League organization work some games. I think he might just change his mind if it ever happens.