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Old Tue Apr 25, 2006, 03:31pm
tmp44 tmp44 is offline
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Originally Posted by Texas Aggie

One off-shoot from this: what mechanic (i.e. course of action, not signal) do you use when someone shoots into the wrong basket and scores, with no contact or other violation? I blow the whistle, count the basket, and point in the direction of the team who just shot, giving them an end line running throw in.
Why blow this whistle? What part of this makes what happened a dead ball, violation, etc.? Would you do this if someone accidentally tipped the ball into his own basket on a rebound? I know one thing, if I'm a coach and earlier in the game you blew the whistle, stopping the clock, because some kid was an idiot and shot in the wrong basket, if late in the game my kid accidentally tipped in a rebound and say, put my team down 1, with only a few seconds to go, I'd be screaming bloody murder for you to blow the whistle and stop the clock.
I know God would never give me more than I could handle, I just wish he wouldn't trust me so much.
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