Thanks for the replies - I've extracted these suggestions and will 'try them each out'. I think this is a good area for concentrated focus during the early summer. I'll work at videotaping officials who carry themselves well and use that to help me correct my own posture. I run with my fists closed, something recommended to me some months ago, but have never thought of running with them at shoulder height - interesting. I figure I'll make use of videotape off the court to lay the groundwork and then see how well it translates when on the court [more tape!].
One interesting quote from a Google hit:
"Balance your head like a basketball. Try to balance your head on top of your spine instead of using your neck muscles to hold your head up. Almost like you would balance a basketball on your finger."
...this sounds like good advice to keep in mind, since standing with good posture should not produce a stiff neck (mine is a bit stiff right now!).
There is also a good book reference "Pain Free" by Pete Egoscue - he gives various exercises, many of which are designed to help you relax muscles that should not be used during certain movements, and has an insightful philosophy on how the wrong response to pain is to stop moving - you should learn to move correctly (some muscles may be in tension when they should be relaxed and this causes the joints to misalign and results in pain) and continue to move more.