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Old Tue Apr 25, 2006, 11:05am
SanDiegoSteve SanDiegoSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by Rich Fronheiser
I had a home run ball down the line. Plate umpire called it foul. Right at the time it crossed the fence I glanced down to make sure that the BR touched first base. The first base coach couldn't BELIEVE that I wasn't looking at the home run ball. We were working 2-man and the ball was NOT a slam dunk over the fence ball.

I'm having a hard time picturing this the way you have written it. You were the BU, correct? You went out on the ball down the line from A? The PU called it foul? How did you glance at 1st base if you went out? Why did PU make the call? I am really confused on this one.

An umpire in A should never need to get help on a pulled foot, swipe tag, or any other squirrel. I wouldn't even entertain asking the plate umpire, even if asked in the nicest possible way.
The original sitch had the BU in B or C (I believe). You are right. Nobody should ever need help on their calls at 1st base when working in A.

And after re-reading, it did not specify the position of the BU, but where else but in the middle could he be and still not see the tag properly?
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25

Last edited by SanDiegoSteve; Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 11:10am.
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