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Old Tue Apr 25, 2006, 10:52am
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Rich Rich is offline
Get away from me, Steve.
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Originally Posted by David B
The proper way to handle these type of situations is when the coach comes to the PU, he should be sent to the BU.

Then if the BU wants to seek further information he can ask for a conference with his PU.

Some are too quick to point out the haste the PU had and thats legit.

Sounds like the BU was out of position (big mistake) or a young umpire who didn't know what to do next.

But its so easy for spectators to jump to conclusions. Heard the exact same thing on the radio the other night as I returned from my playoff game.

Announcer: throw to first and the BU doesn't see the play and asks the PU to make the call (ugh)

Either bad mechanics or as usual the announcer didn't know what he was talking about.

WHat do they say, perception is sometimes reality...

Problem is, so many (including umpires) think it shows a willingness to work together rather than a deficiency in the other umpire.

I had a home run ball down the line. Plate umpire called it foul. Right at the time it crossed the fence I glanced down to make sure that the BR touched first base. The first base coach couldn't BELIEVE that I wasn't looking at the home run ball. We were working 2-man and the ball was NOT a slam dunk over the fence ball.

An umpire in A should never need to get help on a pulled foot, swipe tag, or any other squirrel. I wouldn't even entertain asking the plate umpire, even if asked in the nicest possible way.
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