Originally Posted by mcrowder
I think that was already answered.
A fielder can begin the play wherever she wants.
A fielder in the act of fielding a batted ball has the right-of-way (assuming this fielder is the one who, in the judgement of the umpire has the best play on the ball), and "fielding a batted ball" begins when she reacts to the ball being batted, regardless of speed or distance.
It is not obstruction to just be in the way. At least not yet.
I am a HS coach, and I had an ump call OBS on my 2nd baseman for charging the ball to get out of the baseline, and instead of running behind the ball, she ran in front if the batted ball and the umps called OBS. My JV coach then described the same play to me and the umps called INT. Can someone help us out?