Mon Apr 24, 2006, 11:03pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 4,022
Originally Posted by O.T.Hill
Really quick I want to follow up with a question. How does everyone feel about HP admitting that he probably missed a pitch? I miss my share, and it seems as though it's usually a pitch that I should have called a strike and didn't. Two or three times this year, I have simply stated for batter and catcher to hear: "Boys, that was a good pitch." I guess it makes me feel better, I don't know. Another instance in a recent game had ball one come in at the knees and I thought I missed it, calling it a "ball". Next pitch comes in just high - "ball". Both pitches the pitcher expressed just the slightest bit of a puzzled look. Pitch # 3 was fouled off down the left field line. As I skipped out from behind the plate and moved a little closer to the mound, the pitcher had moved in pretty close to the plate. As I flipped him the new ball, I said, "I missed the first pitch." His reply: "No problem". This was around the second inning. No problems whatsoever the rest of the way.
Is this just a plain stupid thing to do on my part?
It's not a cardinal sin to talk to the catcher. If I am asked about a pitch I am convinced I missed I will say "I missed that pitch and if I see it again it will be a strike". This will be loud enough for batter to hear.