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Old Mon Apr 24, 2006, 09:27am
Dakota Dakota is offline
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Originally Posted by Chess Ref
Hence i was hoping for a more rules based route to go with this.
Speaking ASA.

Base coaches may not use language that will reflect negatively umpon players, umpires, or spectators.

EFFECT: Disqualification or ejection from the game after a warning.
Any arguing on the judgment of balls and strikes will constitute a team warning. Any repeat offense shall result in the ejection of that team member
Speaking NFHS:

Unstorting acts shall not be committed, including, but not limited to
a. use of words or actions to incite or try to incite spectators to demonstrate
b. use of profanity, intimidation and/or deceitful tactics, or baiting or taunting;
c. behavior in any manner not in accordance with the spirit of fair play.
Arguing ball and strike calls or other umpire judgment calls is prohibited.
PENALTY (Arts. 11-16) The umpire shall eject the offender from the game, unless the offense is judged to be of a minor nature. If minor, the umpire may warn the offender and eject if the offense is repeated. For coaches who violate, the umpire may restrict the offender to bench/dugout for the remainder of the game, or eject the offender.
Now, you don't want to use a pile driver to crack walnuts, either. You don't want to have "rabbit ears", but you don't have to put up with abuse, either.

My first action if the "chirping" starts to become continuous is to ask the coach if he is aware that arguing judgment calls is a violation of the rules. It gets the point across (usually) without issuing any kind of ultimatum. I don't issue ultimatums. Even with an official team warning, I merely communicate that this is their official team warning. No threats; the coach should know what "official warning" means.
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