Originally Posted by Chess Ref
Pu yesterday for the 3rd/4th place game of a pretty big local tourney. The pitchers are decent and the teams are decent. I was real happy with my strike zone. I'm hustling my calls are good and solid. Then in about the 6th inninng the following occurs. R1 on 3B, batter hits a squibbler, F4 overthrows F3 and goes for 2b. I, am about 5-7 feet up the 3b line watching R1. R1 pulls up at 3B so I stay put. Then we have a play at 2B. Runner called out, Assistant Coach comes out to partner. Asks me for help. i saw what he saw.
Then i start hearing the chirping the next half inning about how i was too lazy to get in better position, too lazy to move from behind the plate.
So do you just turn your hearing aids down or do I address their comments ? Also reading through the rulebook and it really never addresses ***'T coaches. Read some old threads but is their a rule justification for not allowing Asst Coaches fron acting the fool ?
Speaking ASA
A coach is a coach is a coach. No adjective changes their status.
You may want to talk to the manager/head coach between innings and tell him/her that the play is over, it isn't going to change and the game is moving on. A good coach will get the idea and handle the situation.