Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve
So, recognizing that, how do you reconcile the church leagues and rec leagues that DO register ASA? Something made them make that decision; what was it? Or, what combination of things?
Well, let me ask
Are you claiming that teams register in order to get their own personal copy of the ASA rulebook?
Please, tell me that is
not the case you are making.
They're churches! They made a decision to adopt ASA rules as their system of rules. That makes them an ASA league. So they registered. They dotted all the I's and crossed all the T's, just as you would expect any church to do. But I can assure you it
isn't because they could get their own copy of the coveted ASA rulebook.
No matter how you perceive it, no matter that other organizations do it differently. The ASA Commissioners believe their business model is best served by not making the rulebook a matter of public domain. That is their decision, and, so far, no one has (in their mind) proven that wrong.
It's difficult to imagine how a system of rules falls under the umbrella of a "business decision." I certainly hope that the ASA is as successful as it is for some reason
other than the fact that they like to keep their rulebook under lock and key.
Are you claiming they are a successful organization
because of the manner in which they handle their system of rules? I hope not.
You point out numerous organizations that make their rulebook public; yet, you note that people don't understand a universally fundamental rule, the infield fly.
The shortcoming in my example is one of the coaches'. It is independent of whether the rulebook is available online or not.
Actually, my argument more directly addresses the fans, parents, and followers of the sport. They do not have any convenient access to the rules should they even desire to educate themselves. It shouldn't be as difficult as ordering and paying for a book after researching and finding out how even
that can be done.
The internet has changed the landscape forever. It is truly the information highway. To make a conscious decision to exclude something as mundane as a system of rules for softball is absolutely amazing - "business model" or not. It's kind of crazy if you ask me.
To my knowledge, there is absolutely nothing that any alphabet organization in baseball or softball does that makes it unique to their game. Yet, you point to that as being a reason why ASA or NFHS need to make their rulebooks publicly available?
I'm not saying how the system of rules is disseminated is what makes an organization unique. It just seems logical to me.
If I was promoting the game of Monopoly, I certainly wouldn't begin my promotion campaign by making the rules of Monopoly difficult to obtain.
Hell, this country has a Freedom of Information Act. The ASA ought to jump on board and stop making their rules like the Dead Sea Scrolls. Why????? To make money off the sale of books? I doubt if it's a great source of income.
Hell, why didn't your coach read any of the other rulebooks? I submit that he (and the vast majority of individuals who don't know rules now) wouldn't read any other book, either; whether ASA or NFHS. That is his fault and problem; not the result of the business decisions of ASA and/or NFHS.
I agree. And that's why I made the comment. Do you think making the rules difficult to obtain HELPS or EXACERBATES a problem we all know exists?
I hope you're not saying, "Since they probably wouldn't read it anyway - why make it readily available?"
The information should be out there for the benefit of the well-intended individual who is motivated to understand the game more thoroughly - whether they be a coach, player, parent, or fan.
David Emerling
Memphis, TN