Thread: $15 lighter
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Old Fri Apr 21, 2006, 09:54am
rockyroad rockyroad is offline
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Originally Posted by Junker
I had a career first last night. I play after the season in a pretty decent Y league. They ask me to officiate every year, but I decline since I'm playing and that just doesn't look good. The guys they do get....well I appreciate them being out there, but they are rec referees. There is a severe lack of hustle that kind of bugs me, but I don't say anything. So last night, we're undefeated, playing another strong team with only 1 loss. In a tight first half, we get the ball after a held ball. We come down the floor with the other team complaining the whole way that it should be theirs. One of our players hits a 3, immediately followed by the whistle. The less experienced of the two officials (an older guy that works only JH and doesn't try to move up to my knowledge) waves off the 3 and goes to the bench to make sure it should have been our ball. It was, but the basket is still waved off. I just kept my mouth shut and internally rolled my eyes. So early in the second half, I get prettyk good defensive position at about the free throw line and take some contact. I get called for a block from the opposite free throw line (that's as far as the guy made it). I say to myself, "You gotta be kidding me." The Lead behind me, as I was getting up asks if I said something. In a purely conversational tone I said, "Yes." and recieved my first ever career T. I wish I had a tape of the game because I'm sure the look on my face was priceless. The rest of the gym knows I work a pretty decent HS varsity schedule and people are falling off the benches laughing at me. So, now I have a $15 fine for a T (good rule by the way). I guess it was probably a good learning experience to be on the other side of a quick T. I'm sure I have thrown a few in the past that were a little suspect. The moral of the story is don't be honest I guess. Anyway, we lost by 5 or so (the T and waved off 3 didn't help, but neither did our turnovers and missed shots). At least I can laugh about it now.
Makes me wonder if the two refs knew who you were also and that's why he had the quick trigger...
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