An alternative to buying used.....
If you are able to get away with it, don't buy any equipment for a while. Hopefully, the league you are umpiring for has some "extra" equipment you can use for the games. See how much you like it. Then decide what to buy.
Whereas most of the posters have said to buy used first, it may be wiser (and less expensive in the long run) to go ahead and buy the top notch equipment now. If you really enjoy umpiring, your aspirations will probably grow quickly (LL this year, HS in a couple more).
To me, it makes more sense to spend $150 on a West Vest Gold and have the top protection now, rather than spend $40 on a vest that offers much less protection, and then turnaround in a year and get the West Vest anyway.
Now, I'm all for saving money. I spent $80 for a K1 chest protector and $60 for some +POS316 shinguards (both on ebay). I did spend $120 on some plate shoes (gotta protect my toezy wozeys). If any of the better equipment keeps me from having a serious injury, it was money well spent.
Borrow the equipment if possible, determine how much you like umpiring, then purchase the best equipment that you can afford.
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