Thread: Dead Ball?
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Old Thu Apr 20, 2006, 10:00pm
DG DG is offline
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Originally Posted by BigUmp56
FED rules. None on.....B1 hits a slow roller to F6..........F6 fires the ball to F3 and throws wild striking the base coach in the foot. Easy enough, but now here's the twist. The ball continues on toward DBT where the defensive coach has been allowed to stand just in play. Ball strikes the defensive coach and does not go out of play. Is this a live ball?

I can't seem to find any refference to defensive coaches intereference for unintentionally being hit with a live ball. Of course he shouldn't have been allowed to stand where he was, but it happened just the same.


Live ball, unless the ball touching the coach out of the dugout impacted play in any way. If so, dead ball, and place runners where you think they would have gone absent the interference (ie the reason for calling dead ball). They might not have gone any further than they actually did. It should be the same as if the ball struck equipment outside the dugout.

If striking the coach prevented the ball from going into DBT (your judgement) then award bases as you would if the ball had actually gone into DBT.
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