Exactly right. These things have a way of taking care of themselves. I had a kid I know complain about this very thing to me (not at a game) and I told him that if the first baseman tries to block the bag with his foot, go hard into the bag feet first. I told him not to try and intentionally hurt the kid (ie spikes up high or wind up into the slide), but to just slide hard into the bag and if you have to go through his foot to get to the bag, so be it.
There is a reason that 1st baseman don't block the bag with their foot or leg. It is bush league and will get you hurt. IMHO
Originally Posted by 3appleshigh
You continue to give this call to the 1st baseman, you might as well get out the first aid kit now. With metal spikes on I would coach my kids to make sure the 1st baseman PAID for the OUT, you wanna block the bag, fine, but your gonna bleed as I step throught the top of your foot. I'm gonna reach first your foot there or not.