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Old Thu Apr 20, 2006, 02:02pm
3appleshigh 3appleshigh is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 301
You actually need to have a clue who is talking and what they look like before commenting on how Slenderly challenged people feel. I'm 6'3" 301lbs. So if you think I'm skinny, I love you. I'm Chubby myself, and have no issue either way. But thanks for your imput.

The dude is Chubby, and I don't know his name, so he is "Chubby", ( in fact refering to him a chubby, might insult the chubby people the dude's rotund), I would expect no less from someone refering to me. Being PC sucks Crap. I will not become so to please you, or the other "retard's" on this forum. Thanks for the revealling story of how a word disrupts your day. Take a lesson from the Fags of the world, take ownership of the word, and you take away it's power. See Ya

Yours Truly

Chubby, Tubby, Fat a$$ ... 3appleshigh
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