Originally Posted by Thatballzlow
Just curious...but are the words "veer off" in the NFHS rule book? 1/2 way to first base? I mean, come on...you are really seriously not going to call that guy out for running...which is all he's doing...next thing you know, you're going to have to force guys to slide in between 1st and 2nd base.
Common sense...Common Sense...Common Sense.
That would be 1/2 way to
2nd base. And you are right, the words "veer off" are not in the rule book. But they are in the self-preservation unwritten rule book, which states: "If you are directly in the line of a throw from a person throwing a hard ball, it is wise to veer off to the side to avoid being hit by said ball." That would be true common sense.
The runner is retired already, and is in the way of the relay throw to first base. Rule 8-4-1h makes no reference to intentional or accidental. "If a runner or retired runner interferes in a way which obviously hinders an obvious double play." In this case, it appears as this would have been an obvious double play, based on the fact that the runner was only 1/2 way to 2nd base, which indicates that the first part of the play was made rather quickly and there was plenty of time to get two.
While we are on the subject of things that aren't in the rule book, the distance the runner must be from the throw is not listed either. The argument that the runner is too far from 2nd to be interference does not hold water.