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Old Tue Apr 18, 2006, 08:34pm
WhatWuzThatBlue WhatWuzThatBlue is offline
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Originally Posted by WhatWuzThatBlue
"Has anyone encountered a legitimate news story concerning the performance of the replacement umpires? I've only seen a few and all deal with the issue and have kind words about the new arbiters. A couple of local beat reporters (read: hoping that they get out of those one stoplight towns) are doing decent jobs of trying to catch all angles. Keep searching and let us know how those 'misfits' are ruining the game."
Problem is that the reporters simply don't have a clue. Look at Joe Morgan - makes $$$ spouting rules on TV & is wrong most of the time.

The answer to your questions is: Depends

Please don't tell me that you consider Joe Morgan to be a 'reporter'. You'll have your baseball privileges taken away.

1. The few games AA & A handled by decent D-I crews have gone, for the most part OK. The NCAA strike is different (Lower for the most part), which has required an adjustment for the players.

No it is not, I have been calling a D1 strike zone for more years than I can remember. The zone is the same and that half of a ball strike will be argued at every level. Many D1 players (at the better programs, not the last place contenders) are better than the A players out there.

2. Otherwise, whenever the replacements have had to WORK it's been cluster $%^@.

- Strike zones stink (Read between the lines of the player/manager comments)

C'mon - they ***** about this in the Show too. You'll have to do better than that. Strike zones are typically the most ridiculed part of any official's game.

- Gross inability to control the game. Since when do you let a pitching coach come out to argur a balk from the bullpen? Base coaches leaving position to argue ball/strike or safe/out? Permit a manager to argue for 15 minutes? fail to recognize a brewing bean ball war?

I don't see specifics here. I have read countless stories and fail to find mentions of the umpires looking as inept as you imply. By the way, umpires know what to look for when watching others work. This board is full of exmples of such criticism.

I think the world has seen enough bad calls by AMLU boys on the sports shows. I recall one making a Sports Incidents Special.

- No need to make generalized comments about individual quality, crew mechanics, etc. It's to be expected that crews thrown together that normally work 2 umpire in a slower paced environment are working 3 umpire crews at the pro level. D-1 umpires one would expect to get the mechanics right, as they work the 3 umpire system all the time.

Not all levels of MiLB feature 3 man systems. A student of mine has worked a couple of games with just one partner. They got the job done just fine.

In reality the overall quality is deteriorating, as the better umpires refuse or turn back games (The glammer of working MiLB has been replaced by the realization that working 40+ hours at a regular job, handling 5-7 D-1 or MiLB assignments plus travel week over week is NOT fun). On weekends all good D-1 guys are and have been booked for months, so it's been left to locals (Mostly HS or perhaps JUCCO) umpires.

That is the biggest generalization you've made. I know at least a dozen guys who take leave of their 9-5's during NCAA baseball season. Some travel as a crew and work the highest level games. They have no problem grabbing a night time MiLB contest for the extra cash. You see, in a three man system, one guy always has a day off the dish. Even with a double header that day, the final plate guy is fresh.

The quality of umpiring is not diminishing the game. Like I asked, where are the articles espousing all of the venom against the replacements? Even ESPN did a piece that showed the replacements looking great.

Whatever happens in the end (IMO AMLU will win some concessions & be back to work at some point this year) it's going to be an interesting journey.

Maybe you are right...I don't disagree that a little give and take may be in order. Many of us have said that they should have taken the little bit offered, signed for a year and hired a new negotiating team. Then they would be out there and showing us how talented they claim to be.

Check out my comment to Clint Lawson on the other thread started by a union sympathizer and member of his own local-Mark T. DeNucci). I said that PBUC has correctly asserted their right to replace the umpires who walked away from the game. The AMLU guys are being paid to learn a craft - seven years is hardly a career. I had injuries that lasted longer. There are no guarantees and if the union guys don't like it, they are free to purchase a ticket and hoot at the umpires all they want. Umpires have thick skin - well, most of us do.
"You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers.
You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions.
~Naguib Mahfouz

Last edited by WhatWuzThatBlue; Tue Apr 18, 2006 at 08:40pm.