Originally Posted by Rich Fronheiser
Ball 1, Ball 2, Ball 3.
The catcher is, no matter what the rulebook says, a part of what makes the pitch a strike.
Sets up outside and dives back across the inside corner? Probably a ball, too, unless I need a strike in that situation.
Rich you are exactly correct. Its easy to tell the difference between the varsity umpire and the non-varsity in the way they handle these type of pitches.
Now for kids (LL etc., ) call a strike whenever you can get one and be glad for it, but for our first year umpire asking the question, I'm assuming he's talking about HS or up baseball.
If the catcher is dropping to block a pitch, there's no way its going to be a strike even if its a 12-6 hook which few players know how to throw anymore.
If F2 sets up outside and dives inside, you will never get any grief from a coach or fan if you call it a ball. Its its right down the middle and he reaches you might get away with it.
Generally on a questionable call that hits the dirt or F2 reaches for it, the coach will tell the catcher, "if you catch it right its a strike"
If the coach don't know the difference then you know what type of baseball you are dealing with.