Thread: Scab Umpires
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Old Mon Apr 17, 2006, 11:01am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by jwwashburn
Huh? How can you tell us about BOTH sides? When you say "both sides" do you mean the "side" of a former AMLU guy and the side of a current AMLU guy?

Why has the AMLU has decided it is perfectly OK to take College and HS games that "brother umpires" would like to work?

I am not sure what world you live in. No one takes assignments from anyone. You are either given an opportunity or you are not given an opportunity. The only people that might be hurt by the Minor League guys coming back are the guys on the margins. The solid to great umpires are not going to be hurting for schedules. Also it is a misconception that many of these guys are coming back in the first place. I have had guys offer to work with me just so they could work and were willing to do it for free (not being paid at all). I also know some guys that are not working anything right now either. I worked with a guy on Sunday that is a current Minor League Umpire and would not be working games until May or June with or without this strike. He was going to work those games whether anyone liked it. The assignor wanted him there and that is where he was. He was also one of the best umpires I have ever seen. Our other partner was a Minor League guy last year I believe and he is working a lot of D1 ball. Guess what, these guys are good and they are going to work because the powers that be will want them there. Remember assignors want to keep their jobs. They want people that can handle situations.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)