Thread: Scab Umpires
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Old Mon Apr 17, 2006, 08:48am
LMan LMan is offline
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Thanks for such an informative post. That cleared up a lot of misconceptions for me, seriously. It is truly a longshot to make the MLBs as an umpire, and obviously many good umps will never make it for one reason or another. I respect those who have sacrificed so much for what is almost a lottery's chance of getting to the 'bigs.'

But you have to wonder..why did the AMLU knowlingly sign up for a system structured like this? Is this really the best way to put the best umpires on the field? This arrangement not only specifies poor pay and terrible odds against advancement, it gives the umps almost no leverage.

....shouldn't AMLUs goal for this 'action' be, as others have said, to dismantle this entire system of umpire development and build a better one? I dont see why qualified umpires cannot stay in the minors.....since the turnover at the MLB level is so small, there's always a logjam somewhere.