I wonder how some of these so called "replacement" umpires would feel if their regular 9 to 5 jobs were outsourced to, say India for example. I can see them walk in the job interview and say, "I have 20 years experience doing such and such and when I left I was making over $75,000.00 a year". The interviewer's reply would probably go like this, "Sorry, we don't have any openings for you and your salary expectations. We are going to hire someone much younger who is willing to work for much less. It's basically the same job you were doing, but we're going to go with the less qualified person to cut costs. I would like more than anything to hire you, but I would lose my job and you would be making more than me. Now if you are willing to do the job for half of what the person I'm wanting to hire, we might have a deal. Call me, we'll do the lunch thing".
So what's the call? Fair? Foul?