Sun Apr 16, 2006, 01:56am
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 169
Deal or No Deal
Originally Posted by BigUmp56
It's not a violation of union by-laws for a non member to cross a picket line. That wouldn't make much sense as a non union individual isn't bound by a collective bargaining agreement. If ,after the AMLU's case is heard by the NLRB, the union is de-certified, then it still wouldn't be a violation for former members to cross either.
Even if a union member were to cross there could be no legal reprecussions against them. They would simply lose their membership or be forced to pay a fine to stay a member in some unions. I can't say for sure though as I've not read their contract. In our union the only way to take away someones union membership is for non payment of dues.
That must be one heck of a union you're in. No wonder everybody is down on unions these days. Seems that it's in your contract that you can sit around 24/7 posting on umpire forums. Must be good work if you can get it. Wait a minute, nobody ever could have a job that good. I get it now. You don't have a job. You were fired for posting on umpire forums 24/7. Work just getting the way of your first real love. Oh well, at least your happy. Starving, but happy.