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Old Sat Apr 15, 2006, 10:06pm
BigUmp56 BigUmp56 is offline
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DG gave you a combination of the ruling by two definitive resources. I don't believe that Evans directly address's desertion, but he does address abandonment. That's where the wording "progresses a reasonable distance" came from. The J/R is much more clear on how to handle desertion. If you want to start coaching players, even at the "subvarsity" level how to legally run the bases, go for it. It's not something I would do though, ever.


By rule, a Batter-Runner cannot be out for abandoning before touching (or passing) first base. However, a Batter-Runner who aborts an advance toward first base before touching (or passing) such base and reaches his bench, dugout, dugout steps, or defensive position is out because of his desertion. Desertion typically occurs when a third strike is not caught and the defense neglects tagging the B/R or first base. Although improbable, desertion can also occur an award (e.g., after ball four after the B/R goes directly to his dugout in favor of a pinch-runner) or a batted ball.

I think SA hit on a good point. While I don't think we can call this interference, I do think we should possibly issue a bench warning for the CR coming out of the dugout on a live ball. Just a thought.

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