Originally Posted by LakeErieUmp
I understand your perspectives, but I am really troubled by the idea of calling a STRIKE a ball to "speed the game up"
Nobody is saying we are doing what has been talked about to Speed Up the game. We are talking about an umpires Credibility, in the way they call pitches.
When I was instructed to take up the pitch calling techniques being talked about, I spent many nights tossing and turning about it. But I had a lot of respect for the umpire that pulled me aside, so decided to try it. Lowe and behold, it actually felt better.
Yes, we are there to uphold the rules of the game, to call what we see, and to be impartial. Be we are also expected to do what is expected of us. I would rather argue a call to the 2% who expect a strike called on pitch that 'actually' was a strike, than to the 98% who saw a ball.
How many times have you seen a runner called out on a tag play because the ball got there way before the runner, even though the runner may have the base just before they are tagged (usually a high tag) ? Same thing. The 'expected' call, is the call to make.