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Old Fri Apr 14, 2006, 07:22pm
sm_bbcoach sm_bbcoach is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 264
So, what I am reading in reguards with this: even if it is a strike that the bottom drops out of and when C catches it, it is very low or blocked, call it a BALL?

I work mostly fr/jv games. It would make this seem as if the game will go on forever - walks.

If I undersdtand these post correctly, we are letting what the spectators and coaches influnence what we call because of what they THINK happened, not really happened.

Let me apply this to FB (for those who do that sport): do we allow the RB who did not "pop the bubble of the goal line" get the TD, because it looked like he got in???
If you don't see it, don't call it.
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