Thread: Scab Umpires
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Old Fri Apr 14, 2006, 03:59pm
jwwashburn jwwashburn is offline
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Originally Posted by PWL

Don't worry about this fool. That's right Joe, I called you a name. I'm glad you live in an Utopia when everything in life is fair and just. People that cross picket lines to work are just that, low life, bottom feeder, scumbag, SCABS. You can slice it and dice anyway you want, but when you put the puzzle back together again you get the same picture.

Why do you think the AMLU went on strike, JoJo? Because the powers that be at PBUC care about their employees. Not hardly. Just because you don't understand the union mindset and the brotherhood. I should know, because I spent my entire working career dealing with labor/management issues. I have yet to see management ever come to a bargaining table even remotely to bargain in good faith. Nine out of ten times, their original proposals include cuts in benefits and cost of living raises, etc.

So, if a little name calling is too harsh for you I suggest you not read anymore of these quips from posters with strong opinions. You seem to be so easily offended.

If they wanted to replace the striking umpires they should have put this ad in the paper.

The union movement's inability and/or unwillingness to communicate with civility and thoughtfulness is why their cause loses more often than it used to. Just look back at your post.

You refuse to acknowledge the simple fact that intelligent and respectful arguments will work far better than the type of talk that you are engaged in.

You have very little chance of persuading undecided umpires and even less chance of changing the minds of some that have already worked in the Minor Leagues this year. One would think that getting support for your cause would be your goal. Clearly, this is not the case.

I hope you enjoy the continuing deterioration of the Union movement in the USA-your method of communication is a large part of why you have less public support as each day goes by.
