Originally Posted by nickrego
I have considered wearing Forearm guards.
I work BR 13 - 18 YRO, HS, and Adult PTP. In those leagues, you get hit a lot. I am currently nursing some nerve damage to my left Forearm from a ball that hit me 3 weeks ago. But I would not expect to see an umpire wearing them at the MiLB or higher level, unless he had been directed to by a doctor to protect a previous injury. I may have to wear one to get my arm to heal.
I'm 47, if I'm still able to do this when I'm 60 or so, I think some of the hits I have taken as a younger man might break a bone when at that age. So I guess I would welcome them becoming more popular.
You should have seen how PISSED Tim McClelland was after getting hit by Jason Johnson's last warmup pitch in yesterday's Indians-Mariners game. It was hilarious.