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Old Fri Apr 14, 2006, 12:07pm
3appleshigh 3appleshigh is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 301
You're asking two different questions. Should it matter if it crosses right but catcher muffs it up - NO. It SHOULDN'T. Does it matter, yes it does.

In my opinion it is a which end of the stick do you want to hold question. To expand on your example, let's say he is doing that all game. All strikes, but appear to everyone else in attendance as balls. You will inevitably have to chuck someone in this game. A feed up batter, a feed up coach who knows but someone, plus you will have the fans all over you all game long. Yes it is a strike, but no one else thinks so. So for game management call what the entire pitching tandem gives you. As you get up in level you will often hear a catcher say to his pitcher sorry man that one was my fault. He is refering to the ugly way he caught the pitch. The pitch has to throws strikes and the catcher has to catch strikes. But if the pitcher throws a strike, but the catcher "catches a ball" what do you think the fans, players,coaches and often even evaluators can see? This is mostly to do with marginal pitches, a cockshoot that the catcher muffs is still a strike.

Grab the stick, choose your end wisely.
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